Foam Recycling Department
We are currently accepting clean Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) at our Tonawanda, NY location for recycling. EPS may be dropped off at our facility Monday - Friday between 8am & 4:30pm at the guard station near the front of the facility.
In an effort to prevent the spread of Coronavirus when accepting clean EPS Foam for recycling, Vanocur Refractories, LLC®, has done and will continue to do the following:
Please contact us prior to dropping off the EPS foam for recycling.
Advise the attendant on-site you have foam for recycling.
A Vanocur Refractories® employee will remove the foam from your vehicle while wearing the appropriate PPE, mask, gloves, and safety glasses for the protection of accepting the foam for recycling.
This foam will be placed in a designated secured area. After a 5-day period, the foam will be processed by Vanocur Refractories® employees wearing required PPE.
A daily log of when foam was received, will be documented by security staff to ensure the time period for processing the recycled foam.
Log documents will be kept on file and secured in the health office.
Recycling Process
Our recycling process begins by receiving clean EPS and grinding the foam into small pieces.
Once the foam has been reduced in size, it is compressed into large highly densified blocks.
The densified blocks are then palletized and shipped all over the world to be remade into products such as picture frames and hangers.

Let Us Help You
Avoid expensive landfill costs and allow Vanocur to recycle your product in the most environmentally friendly manner.
Our facility can accommodate small and large quantities of clean EPS foam.
Contact Kevin at Vanocur Refractories™ to get started at (716) 332-4337 or by email by clicking here to get started!